Mouth Guards

Play Like A Pro

At Clemente Orthodontics, we recommend that patients who participate in contact sports wear a mouth guard. We work with GuardLab to create premium protective devices for our patients that are also worn by professional athletes. GuardLab uses advanced 3D technology to provide patients with a comfortable and perfectly-fitted device that effectively protects the teeth. GuardLab’s design is completely customizable, making them fun to wear!

What Is A Mouth Guard?

A mouth guard is a device used to protect the teeth from injury while playing a sport. Mouth guards are typically recommended for patients who play contact sports, where injuries are more likely, such as football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, basketball and more. Whether undergoing orthodontic treatment or not, we recommend that every athlete protect their teeth.

Creating Mouth Guards

At Clemente Orthodontics, we use advanced 3D technology to create digital impressions of your teeth, eliminating the need for traditional messy and uncomfortable impressions. Before receiving your mouth guard, your orthodontist will help you decide which GuardLab device is right for you.

Next, you’ll need to visit our office for a 3D scan of your teeth. Our digital scan technology is fast and efficient—it should take no more than 15 minutes. Then you’ll be able to design your device and select the colors, images and text to make it uniquely yours. Your device will be created using your digital scan. Because GuardLab is located here in the United States, your guard ships to you in 10-14 business days.

Caring For Mouth Guards

It’s important to clean your mouth guard to keep it feeling fresh and to prevent bacteria from collecting. Caring for your device is easy. Simply spray it with an antimicrobial and alcohol-free cleaning spray before and after each use. You can also refresh your device while you play, just wait at least 60 seconds after spraying before placing on the teeth. Here are some other tips we recommend to extend the life of your mouth guard:

  • Put it in a case when you’re not wearing it
  • Never wrap it in a napkin as it may get mistaken for trash and accidentally thrown out
  • Make sure it’s out of reach from your pets
  • Keep it out of extreme heat conditions, as this can cause it to warp and change shape


Invisalign® and mouth guards cannot be worn at once—Invisalign® patients must remove their aligners before using mouth guards. Because the teeth shift during Invisalign® treatment, Invisalign® patients should wear GuardLab’s Apex boil and bite mouth guard, which is reshaped to perfectly fit the patient’s smile throughout treatment. Boil and bite devices are soaked in hot water before wear, which allows for wear even as your teeth move during Invisalign® treatment.

mouth guards athlete protect teeth


We understand it may be tempting to just buy a mouth guard next time you’re at the store. While they are cheaper, they are a one-size fits all and may not fit perfectly over your teeth like our custom devices do. As a result, they may not be as effective at protecting your teeth if you do suffer an injury while playing sports. Additionally, when you opt for one made by our team at Clemente Orthodontics, you may find it is more comfortable than a store bought one as this appliance is designed specifically for you.


If you take proper care of your custom device, it can last several years. On the contrary, store bought mouth guards are not as durable and will need to be replaced often. When you come to us for your dental checkups, bring your custom appliance with you and we will inspect it for any wear signs to determine if it needs to be replaced.

Let’s Get Started!

If you play a sport or are thinking about starting a sport, talk to your team at Clemente Orthodontics about protecting the teeth from potential injury. Wearing a protection device is one of the easiest things you can do to safeguard your smile! To schedule your digital scan, call us or schedule an appointment using our online form. See more services we offer here.