Straighten Your Smile at Home

At Clemente Orthodontics, we recognize our busy lives can make it difficult to find the time to visit the orthodontist for regular appointments. CO2GO is our alternative to mail-order aligners that make at-home orthodontic treatment from home easy, affordable and effective. This program uses real Invisalign® aligners and promises fast, convenient treatment.

CO2GO vs. Mail-Order Aligners

Mail-order aligners become popular due to their convenience and affordability. However, these programs lack the key components to effectively aligning your teeth—patented Invisalign® technology and the providers who use it to expertly guide your treatment. The result is that most mail-order companies use plastic aligners that can in no way promise Invisalign®-like results. More often than not, mail-order aligner companies do not offer refunds for poor results. You may notice some results with mail-order aligners, but chances are that it will not be enough to last a lifetime. Due to their lack of effectiveness, mail-order alignment systems often end up costing more than professional treatment with an orthodontist.

Our CO2GO program uses real Invisalign® aligners that ship directly to your door! After visiting the office for your initial scans and x-rays, all you have to do throughout treatment is switch out your trays once a week. For optimal results, make sure to follow standard Invisalign® best practices, such as wearing your aligners for 22 hours a day.

Benefits Of Our CO2GO Program

At Clemente Orthodontics, our team believes that when you invest in your smile, you should do it right. If you have minor spacing or crowding issues, the following are some reasons why you should consider joining our CO2GO program to straighten your smile:

We’ll work with your insurance and submit any necessary paperwork on your behalf.

With our at-home program, you’ll receive the professional support necessary to successfully align your smile!

If you need to add more aligners to your treatment, you can! Additional costs will apply.

Over the course of your treatment, you will only need to visit the office one or two times. This includes the time spent taking your digital scans and x-rays.

We offer flexible payment options to find a plan that works for you!

Our at-home program comes with a set of retailers to wear at the end of treatment, ensuring that your new smile stays in place for years to come.

When worn correctly, our CO2GO program is just as effective as traditional Invisalign treatment.

Some people turn to mail-order aligners due to the belief that clear aligner treatment is unaffordable—this isn’t the case! Our $2995 mail-order alternative program includes 20 aligners, or 5 months of treatment.

Let’s Get Started

Are you thinking about straightening your teeth with Invisalign, but worried you don’t have the time? You may be a great fit for our CO2GO program! Schedule a virtual consultation using the link on our website today to see if this program is right for you, or to learn about the services we offer.